Friday, May 14, 2010

Getting things done

I'm a bit bored. I know I shouldn't be complaining. I really am not. I've had a chance to relax and recover with the gracious help from family and friends. I've taken a few naps. I am definitely hurting more now, so I'm grateful for the chance to be off my foot. I've also accomplished a few things.

1. Figuring out my new Palm. Greg got me a new phone/Palm and I've spend some time programming in lists, phone numbers and getting acquainted with it.
2. I've done some cross-stitching. I've been working on the same pattern for 3 years and I'm almost done.
3. I read a book.
4. I finally had updated my blog. I started my blog in May of 2008. I want to print my blog out into a book and I wanted to do it in complete years. I needed to finish from Jan - April of 2008. I finally finished. The hardest post - Kate's birth. I wanted it to be perfect and I cried while typing it up.

I think I have enough drugs in me to feel a bit fuzzy. I hope this makes sense.


Gayle J. Randall said...

It's good to have some quiet time, but I remember how bored I was when I broke my leg and couldn't do the things I needed to do and wanted to do. So glad you caught up your blog. That gives me inspiration to do ours! Enjoy the time while you can, if you can, but I remember promising myself I would try not to complain about being too busy again--it's worse to be bored and helpless.

Cynthia said...

Ugg, that cast looks like no fun, but I really hope that it takes care of the pain for you! I want to make some books out of our blogs too, but I don't know how. What company do you use?