Wednesday, May 19, 2010

6th Grade Graduation

Gavin is now officially done with Elementary School. Well, technically he still has to attend a few more weeks, but really he is done. His class held their graduation party today and it was so much fun. Gavin was able to present his Black Hole power point assignment. He did a wonderful job. Then, Mrs. Ahlstom handed out awards for the class.
It is times like these, that I am always surprised at how smart Gavin is. I know I shouldn't be. But, Gavin is smart. Gavin recieved five awards:

1. Over 5,000 pages read this year. (Truth be told, it was probably more than that, but he wasn't great at keeping track.)
2. Space Center Dude (Gavin was probably most happy with this one.)
3. Most Improved Language Arts Test Score (Based on the Standardized Test Scores from last year to this year, Gavin improved 10 percentage points.)
4. Best Language Arts Test Score (You can't get better than 100%. Gavin was the only one in his class to get a perfect score.)
5. Best Science Test Score (Just as Language Arts, you can't get better than 100%. Gavin was the only one in his class to get a perfect score.)
We are so proud of Gavin and his hard work. This has been a very challenging year for Gavin. His teacher expected a lot of her students. But, they were rewarded with many fun activities. Their class motto was "We work the hardest and we play the hardest". Gavin's favorite things to study was Roman and Medieval times. His favorite project was his Medieval project, including making a shield and breastplate. He also enjoyed doing the fun Book Reports.
A few of Gavin's favorite this year.

Food: chicken cordon bleu with Mom's special sauce
Dessert: brownies, custard-filled donuts, chocolate ice cream with hot fudge
Book Series: Hunger Games, Fablehaven, Mysterious Benedict Society, Ranger Apprentice, Lord of the Rings
Movie: Lord of the Rings series
TV Show: Star Trek, Jacob Two-two
Color: Blue, Yellow
Thing to do: playing video games, playing with friends, reading
Place to go: Space Center
School Subject: Science, Reading, Math
Hobbies: reading, designing and building things
Video Game: Zelda, Fate
Board Game: Settlers of Catan, Shadows of Camelot


Michelle Kelly said...

Holy cow Gavin you are getting so OLD!! Just kidding. I can't believe you will be in Junior High next year. I still remember the day you were born, makes me teary eyed.

Gayle J. Randall said...

So smart! So good! So helpful! You're almost too good to be true! We are so proud of you! Wow! You got so many awards at the graduation! We knew you were a reader, but that's amazing, and your test scores--can't get better than that! Congratulations on everything! Love, Grandpa and Grandma Randall

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work, get ready for some fun this summer and we look forward to having you go to yellowpine with us this semmer.

Love Grandpa Randall