Saturday, January 23, 2016

Provo City Center Temple Open House

We had the most wonderful opportunity of attending the open house for the new temple in Provo.  We have been so excited  for this temple because of the unique architecture and history it has.  Tickets were hard to come by, but we got lucky (more like blessed) and were able to snag a few for a Saturday morning.
 The temple was absolutely beautiful!  It is like stepping back in time.  The craftsmanship was exquisite, of course.  The colors and fabrics were so rich.  But, I loved the paintings most of all.  So unique and colorful for a temple.  They were gorgeous!
 We are so blessed to be able to take our kids to the temple.  I love that our family has had this opportunity so much in recent months.
 The kids loved seeing all the different rooms.  Kate liked the sealing rooms and Guard's favorite was the 'buffalo holding up the pool'.  Enoch was very sweet to explain to him about the baptismal font.
 A perfect Saturday morning.  So happy we could all be there together!

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