Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kate is Five!

I know I say this about each child for every birthday, but I can't believe my Kate is five!  It seems so old for my little girl.  Kate has been counting down the days for months, so she is excited to add another year, but me, I'm sad...and amazed.  Amazed at what Kate has become in the last five years.
Kate is sweet.  Really, she is a lot of things, but she is sweet.  She can also be shy (extremely shy!), smart, energetic, opinionated, emotional and tough.  She can sometimes be not so sweet when holding her ground against her brothers!
Kate's favorites include:
color - pink, purple and blue
food - Cheerios, spaghetti, pizza
treat - chocolate cream pie, chocolate dipped strawberries
movie - Tangled, Cinderella, Prep and Landing
TV show - Super Why, Dora the Explorer
book - Tangled, Waking Beauty
friends - Enoch, Taylor Y., Bailey T.
place to go - Legoland, Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum, gym class
thing to do - watching plants grow, going swimming, coloring, mini golfing
Kate loves her gymnastics and ballet classes.  She loves to color, draw, paint and do crafts.  She loves to play board games.  She loves to help her mom cook and bake.  She loves to make Guard laugh.  She loves to wear necklaces.  She loves shoes.  She loves blankets.  She loves chocolate.  She loves sidewalk chalk.  She loves stickers.  She loves Primary.  She loves to give hugs.  She loves 'wrestling' with Gavin.  She loves being with her dad.  She loves doing anything with Enoch.  She loves jumping on the trampoline.  She loves swimming.  She loves shoulder rubs.  She loves her family.
She does not love cleaning her room.  Oh, the battles!

First thing on Kate's birthday, she was measured.  Still on the small side, but growing.
During the day, Kate got a hold of the camera and snapped a few shots of herself.
Poor Kate, I think her birthday was a bit anticlimactic.  She kept saying, "It's just like any other day."  We had her friend birthday a few weeks ago and Grandma and Grandpa Fowler came over and celebrated both Kate's and Enoch's birthday last week, so it was a quiet day.  We still opened a few presents.  From Grandma and Grandpa Fowler she opened (last week) new leotards for gym class.  She put them right on and danced around for us.  Grandma and Grandpa Randall gave her a pink dolphin necklace and a Rush Hour Safari game.  She loved both.  Mom and Dad gave Kate a box of art projects - coloring books, paints, blendy pens, sticker books, mosaics, etc.  She really liked them and has had fun working on them.
For dessert, Kate requested her favorite - chocolate dipped strawberries.
Happy Birthday, Kate!  We love you more than you can know!

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