Monday, February 11, 2013

Guard at 8-9 months

Guard is growing so fast!  I love this age - you can see your babies grow overnight - and Guard is no exception.  I can see his mind maturing and growing so much.  He is so much fun!
He still loves his books.  When I pull out his toy basket, his books are the first thing he goes for - always.  I hope he always loves books.
Guard hates his car seat.  You know, karate-chop-your-kid-in-half hates his car seat.  And, unfortunately for Guard, he is in his car seat a lot (oh, the downside of being the youngest).   We moved Kate's seat over right next to him and he giggles all the time in the car.  I hope that continues, too.
Guard is a binky boy.  Consequently, he has horrible binky rash.  We haven't been able to clear it up yet, but we are trying Eucerin, Aveeno, hydrocortisone and whatever else we can think of to put on him.  He loves to play the binky game with Mom and Dad.  He will pretend to put his binky in our mouths, then our ears, then his ear, then his mouth and he giggles and giggles.  He loves it.  If we are missing all of his binkies, we check under his crib.  They are in a nice, neat pile.  Guard drops his binkies down the same two slots in his crib every single time.
He is so cute - he wipes my face with the burp cloth after he eats.  He squirms away when I try to wipe his mouth after his bottle, but he makes sure my mouth is wiped.
He is expanding his diet.  His pediatrician, Dr. Johnson, encouraged us to go ahead and feed him table food since he is being so picky about his bottle.  Guard loves grilled cheese sandwiches and french fried.  Is it awful that we know that about our nine month old?  He has done so well with table food and really does enjoy it more than baby food.  He is particular about it though.  The other day, I gave him some pieces of pancake and he screamed until I gave him the entire pancake.
Guard is so, so, so close to crawling.  He was almost crawling at Chrismtas time and then he got sick for 45 days.  Really, 45 days.  He is finally himself again and he is army crawling everywhere.  And he is quick.  The other night, he scooted under our bed and we couldn't find him.  He finally started crying and we pulled him out.  Silly kid!
 He babbles a bit.  He loves to say mama, dada, baba.  He isn't a super talkative baby, but he does let us know he is around.
He is so cute and so much fun!
Nine month stats:
weight: 18 lbs 4 ozs (14%)
length: 28.5 (75%)
head 44.7 cm (32%)

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

Growing fast! Moving fast! Always smiling! That's what we have noticed with Guard.