Monday, June 3, 2024

Family Search Center

One of Enoch's opportunities as a Service Missionary in the Orem, Utah mission is to serve at the Family Search Center in Lehi. When picking his assignments, he vacilated about Family Search. He decided to give it a try and has really enjoyed it. He serves in Tech and helps people with the scanning machines - photos, books, slides, home movies, etc.

Today, carrying a big, heavy photo album, we visited Enoch. He taught us how to scan in old pictures, enhance them, and save them to Family Search. Guard did a few pictures and then we went exploring throughout the center.

Kate did most of the pictures and scanned in almost 450. These were pictures of my parents in the early days of their marriage from the year 1975-1978. It covered a lot of life events, including their marriage, their days at BYU, my birth, and the death of my mom.

It felt so good to get those pictures out of a sticky-back album and onto the computer. They looked so good as well, with the computer automatically correcting the color and bluriness. After scanning, we had lunch with Enoch at the Cafe. He loves eating there because missionaries get a 70% discount. He can have a huge lunch for only a few dollars. Guard loved it too. He got one of his favorites - cocount shrimp along with fries, a drink, and frozen yogurt.

It was a fabulous morning! We can't wait to go back and do more scanning.


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