Friday, November 28, 2014

The Tree

I love getting our Christmas tree.  It signals the beginning of the season.  I love the smell.  I love walking into the kitchen in the early morning and having the glow of the tree light up the room.  I love sitting on the couch in the late evening, with the lights off, and having the glow of the tree light up the room.  It's magical!
We always get our tree at Smith's.  I know - it would be amazing if we hiked through the woods and cut down our own tree, but realistically, that is never going to happen.  Smith's has a great selection and good prices.
After we get it home, it's the process of standing it up straight with the least amount of bare spots showing.  Everyone has an opinion!
 And then the lights.  Yuck!  I make Greg do the lights.  This year we did spurge and replaced our multicolored lights with white lights.  They match our ornaments better and it just looks so pretty!  We accidentally bought white lights with white wire.  Greg was so brave and returned them to Target and bought lights with green wire on Black Friday.  He said the lines weren't too bad.  Thanks, sweetie!
And, then the decorating.  Everyone's favorite part.
Greg gets to put on the star every year (despite Enoch's whining), because he is the Dad (and I make him put on the lights.  There needs to be some kind of compensation for that!).
So beautiful!
(This picture was taken a few days after we initially decorated the tree.  You can see the bottom is already a bit disheveled!) 

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