Monday, November 24, 2014

Scattered Thoughts

1.  Greg and Enoch are a bit worried about their bees.  It's going to be a cold winter.  One hive isn't doing too well and we are all hoping it will pull through.  (Greg is winterizing the hives.)
2.  Kate lost her first tooth.  At least the first tooth that fell out on its own (she lost one when she was two when it was knocked out).  She was very excited!  It was really bothering her and so loose, so she asked Greg to pull it out.  He popped it out without much effort.  The tooth fairy left her a dollar and she was so excited!
3.  I've been gathering ideas for Christmas.  Enoch has a few things he is asking for.  Guard wants a camera.  Kate keeps telling me she has everything she needs and can't think of anything she wants.  Oh, Kate!  You are awesome!

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