Monday, November 10, 2014


It was a sad day for Guard when Enoch and Kate went to school.  Now he has to stay home with mom.  She is boring.
I'm using all my ideas to keep Guard entertained during the school day.  It can be challenging.  He would be perfectly happy sitting in front of the TV all day watching Kratts and Diego, and some days it is tempting to let him do that.  But, we play Legos, read books, go for walks, play dinosaurs, build forts, try to clean and anything else I can think of that will keep him busy.
Today, we sorted.
Guard really liked it and had a lot of fun.  Truthfully, he enjoys dumping out the muffin tins when they are full and then throwing the marbles all over the family room.  Perhaps that is why we haven't done it since.  We'll try it again.

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