Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Same

The same clothes (almost the same, I didn't remember quite right seven years in the past!), the same age, the same pose - different boys.


None of my boys look exactly alike, but I see a lot of Gavin in Guard (personality-wise too, especially lately).  Enoch's twin, of course, is Kate.  The things that is so odd to me is that Gavin and Guard look to be about the same chubbiness.  The difference being that Gavin was in the 95% and Guard is in the 4%!  Oh! And Enoch's checks - who could forget those?  I want to go back in time and just kiss them!
What cuties!


Gayle J. Randall said...

So fun that you got the same poses for all three boys! You are a great photographer!

Ford Fam said...

Love this!!!!