I'm getting pretty teary right now. My voice only cracked a few times when I was saying good-bye this morning. Gavin said, "Mom, don't cry. It's only school. Stop kissing me. That's like three kisses in 20 seconds." I know, Gavin. I just love you so much.
When Gavin went to Kindergarten, I bawled. My little boy was leaving me. I came home to an empty house and wondered what I was suppose to do. I prayed Gavin would be okay at the big school. I hoped that I had taught him enough at age 5 to make good choices. Greg told me not to worry, but of course, I did. No need. Gavin did great at Kindergarten and every grade since then.
(A note I wrote to Gavin the day he went to Kindergarten.)
August 27, 2003
My sweet Gavin,
In my mind I knew this day would come sooner than I would like, but my heart is telling me that you are ready; ready to become yourself, to pursue your interests, to make new friends, to be a good example and to have fun.
Gavin, you are truly my joy and light in this world. Nothing makes me happier than to see your eyes disappear as they crinkly into laughter, to hear your deep, throaty laugh, to see your sweaty head after you have played so hard, to feel your juicy raspberry kisses and to see you sleep so peaceful.
Heavenly Father has given me a most precious spirit and I have constantly been amazed by your joy, enthusiasm, knowledge and love. You have been mine for 5 years and I am now ready to share you with others. I know you are ready for Kindergarten and I can't wait to see the wonderful things that will be your life.
I Love You!
August 24, 2010
I don't feel like I can call you my sweet Gavin anymore. You are still sweet, but I know you would not appreciate me labeling you as such. You are mature, smart, kind, funny, observant. Dad would call you wise and that would be the greatest compliment of all.
I am nervous and scared for you to be in 7th grade, but I am also excited and happy for you. What wonderful experiences you will have, what great friends you will make, what incredible opportunities you will have to grow - mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
You are a good person, Gavin. You have an inner sense of right and wrong that I hope you will always keep sharp. I have been amazed as I have watched you grow at how strong the Spirit is with you. I know you attend church, read your scriptures and say your prayers. The Spirit can't help but be with you. However, you carry an extra portion of the Spirit. Heavenly Father is watching out for you and you are destined for great things.
Remember I love you. I know that things might get bumpy between us the next few years. No matter what happens, I love you. I'm your biggest supporter and fan. I know who you are and who your Spirit is and it humbles me to be your mom.
Now, Gavin will read that and roll his eyes. That's fine. I'm used to it. On to the fun stuff.
Every first day of school since Kindergarten, I've fixed Gavin's favorite breakfast - French toast and bacon. I'm surprised he can eat so much. I was always so nervous that I couldn't get breakfast down on the first day of school, but Gavin can eat quite a bit.
Our traditional picture in front of the 'picture bush' as Gavin calls it. I love taking pictures of new shoes. They are never this white again. Gavin is now wearing a size 10. Really, we are just waiting for the rest of him to grow into his feet.
So I wasn't going to be the mom who went to the bus stop and took pictures, but I did snap a few pictures of the bus from our back porch. This is Gavin's first time riding the bus. I hope he does okay carrying his sax on the bus.
Good luck, Gavin. We love you!