Friday, April 22, 2016

Scattered Thoughts

1.  We had a few warm days this week - warm enough for shorts and t-shirts.  Guard was so excited to see his shorts again.  He put them on and danced around the house yelling, "I love my shorts!  Where have they been?"  He really does love his shorts.  Winter jeans have been a problem all season.
When he put his t-shirt on, he looked at the sleeves, he looked at me and back to his sleeves.  He said, "Mom, I'm wearing a sleeve shirt!  I can see my skin!"

2.  Our house is coming along.  The kids and I drive by every day after school to see the progress.  We are all excited to see how much they have done that day.  (Here they are putting on the roof trusses.)
 My dad came up for a few days to help us with the pokey weeds at the new house.  He worked so hard!  He pulled up five huge garbage bags stuffed full of weeds!  He also found us a yard machine on KSL and used it to mow down the wild grass.  The yard looked so much better!  Thanks Dad!
Coal absolutely loves my dad.  Aside from Greg, he is her favorite.  Coal knew Grandpa was sleeping downstairs and she spent the entire night on the bottom stair waiting for him.  She was up bright and early, ready to play with him.
3.  While on a camping trip, Greg took a few days off from shaving.  When we got home, he kept growing out his beard.  I asked him what the plan was?  He said he was growing 'a Eugene'.   Greg has always teased Gavin that he has 'a Eugene' beard.  Kate thinks Gavin's facial hair looks like Flynn Rider's (Eugene) from Tangled and Greg ran with it. 
Luckily when Greg shaved his beard into 'a Eugene', Gavin took it well.  He even cracked a smile and posed for a picture.  He's a good sport.  Greg had his 'Eugene' for a few days and shaved it off for church.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I can't wait to see your new house when it's all done! I'm sad you won't be in the neighborhood anymore, but I'm not either, so I guess I can't be too sad.
The facial hair story cracked me up!