Sunday, August 30, 2015

FHE Goals

Greg and I have been trying sooooo hard with family scripture study and family home evening.  I really hope we are getting blessing for making an effort and being consistent, because the reverence or quality isn't quite there yet.
We decided that too many of our family home evenings were revolving around being nice, helping around the house, etc., and while that isn't bad, we felt like we were missing a great opportunity to teach doctrines of the Gospel to our kids.  We hope all the other things will fall into place when our family understands Gospel principles better.  That's the hope - we are still waiting on that!
The goal (and now that I am making this public, I will have to do better!) is to base our family home evenings on what we are reading during family scripture study.  I really want my kids to understand and love the scriptures.  It is sometimes hard to love the scriptures at 6:45 in the morning when your brother is reading his verse in a completely monotone voice as fast as he can!  So, while we will push through the actual scriptures, we are supplementing it with lessons each week that discuss and delve deeper into what we are reading.  Wish us luck in this mighty adventure!
We are currently reading in Mosiah.   I love Mosiah!  I feel like it is one of the easier books to understand in the Book of Mormon.  And I love King Benjamin - he is one of my favorites! 
Our family home evening was two fold today.  We went on a field trip to the back yard.  We stood on the grass and listed all the things we could see as we slowly turned in a circle.  We then climbed into the play tower (like King Benjamin's tower) and did the same thing.  The kids were amazed at how much more they could see when they really paid attention.  We then talked about how much more the prophet can 'see' than we can.  That is why we follow the prophet even when it is hard, confusing or even easy.  He will guide us better than we can guide ourselves.
We followed this short lesson by talking about Mosiah 2:17 - serving others.  We gathered around the table and each person made a list of four things we could do that week to serve another person.  We came up with some great things.  For each item on our list we were able to add a section to our own King Benjamin tower.  The kids participated well, partly because they could eat their rice krispie tower when we were done.
It was great!  Next week will still be on King Benjamin because we are not moving through the scriptures too fast.  I'm hoping we can keep this up!

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