Friday, July 27, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Enoch and Kate have been asking about swimming lessons since last September.  They love swimming and swimming lessons with Bailey are 'SO MUCH FUN, I CAN'T STAND IT!'.
I have been pestering Bailey, our cute next door neighbor, if she was going to do swimming lessons again this year.  When she brought over the flyers, I immediately signed my kids up for the entire month of July.  First, for the fun factor.  Second, for the convenience of just having to send them next door.  And lastly, for safety - with a trip to Lake Powell coming up, the kids needed to be comfortable in the water.
 The first session was great.  Enoch went at 8:30am and Kate at 9am.  They had a great time and knew a few kids in their classes.  The second session was perfect.  Because some kids needed to change times and a few got moved to other classes based on ability, Kate was the only one left in her class.  Enoch's class was big, so we moved Enoch and Kate to the same time and they basically had private lessons.  It was fabulous.
Enoch improved so much.  He can now do his freestyle stroke and can float on his back.  You wouldn't think that floating would be so difficult, but Enoch is a Fowler.  Fowlers sink.  His favorite part was diving for the rockets at the end of each lesson.
Kate is an expert back-floater.  Bailey said that she didn't have a student that could float as well as Kate.  Her strokes also improved and she got over her fear of getting her ears wet - not her eyes or face, but her ears.  Kate's favorite part of lessons was doing cannonballs.
 It is amazing as a mom to see your kids improve at things - especially at things that are difficult.  Maybe it's so amazing to be because swimming doesn't come naturally to me.  Enoch and Kate love the water.  They did so well in their lessons.  It was fun to watch and brought my heart joy to see them having fun, learning and working hard to improve.

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

You are one smart Mom! It's always a good idea to have your children become comfortable in water. I will admit that I didn't have the swimming thing very well figured out for you--we didn't do very consistent lessons. You can blame me if you want for not being comfortable in water--I didn't learn to swim until I was in college!