I guess I was totally asking for it when I named my son after a prophet. I should have named him Stinker Pants Fowler.
I'm convinced that Enoch isn't trying to be mischievous - it just comes to him naturally. On Thursday, I finally sent him to his room because I had to get some things done, and I couldn't follow him around anymore. Within about a 20 minute period he ran away twice (I had to go find him), tried to spray paint the house, tried to spray paint the car, tried to start the BBQ grill in the shed and dumped a 1/2 gallon of milk on the floor. Really, it is a full-time job to supervise Enoch all day. At least, we avoided the spray paint and grill, but only because I was within 15 feet of him (and he still was almost successful).
A little insight into Enoch's mind:
1. Gavin and his friends were working on a school project in the garage. Enoch kept going out there and bugging them. I told Enoch to stay in the house, that he was not allowed into the garage. He stood in the laundry room and looked at the door leading to the garage.
Enoch: "But, Mom, the door is right there!"
Mom: "Enoch, just because there is a door there, doesn't mean you have to go through it!"
Enoch: A look of total disbelief, "Yes, I do! It's a door!"
Mom: Throwing my hands into the air, "NO!"
2. After an afternoon of constant cleaning up after Enoch
Mom: "Enoch, please find something quiet and not messy to play with right now."
Enoch: "There's nothing to do!"
Mom: "Enoch, your room is full of toys and the basement is full of toys."
Enoch: "You've put all the fun toys away or up."
Mom: "What? What toys?"
Enoch: "The glow-in -the-dark paint, the hot glue gun, the scissors and markers."
Mom: Surprised at the list he had going; he must have been saving that up for awhile, "Gee, I wonder why?"
3. After getting out of the shower, I found Enoch in the kitchen making a pitcher of lemonade. Of course, there was a mess everywhere (and I had just mopped the floor the day before because of the milk-spilling incident).
Mom: "Enoch, what are you doing?"
Enoch: "Making lemonade."
Mom: "Why?"
Enoch: "Because I want to." (Like I don't hear that 80 times a day.)
Mom: "Enoch, next time ask me for some help."
Enoch: A look of total wonderment on his face, "I never thought of that!"
Of course not. Why would Enoch need help.
What am I going to do? We haven't even hit summer, the peak time for running away, making messes in the backyard and finding new (and unusual, dead and gross) pets. I'm at a complete loss with this kid. He's wearing me out.