Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sa-ay What?

A few days ago while standing in the check-out line at Target (listening to a steady stream of chatter from Enoch), the women behind me said, "Your son has the cutest voice; not just the sound, but the way he says things." I just had to laugh. People tell me this all the time.
Enoch has some kind of accent, we just can't place it (he must be from Enochworld!). It's a bit Southern, a bit Utahn, and a bit Enoch. He drawls big time. He drops his 't's. He also consistently will turn one syllable words into two syllable - ca-at, mo-om, etc.
When you combine Enoch's unique voice, syntax and outrageous ideas, you've got a winning combination!


Winnie said...

You've definitely got yourself a keeper in that little boy.

Carrie said...

I love to hear him talk, too. He's so stinking cute and funny.

Gayle J. Randall said...

I love to hear anything Enoch says, but I especially love to hear him say on Skype, "Grandma when can you come to my house?" Then I know he hasn't forgotten me! I love you, Enoch!