Enoch is obsessed with time; the time of day and how the earth revolves and rotates around the sun and causes days and seasons. He is constantly asking if it is getting dark yet, meaning where is the earth in relation to the sun. He understands the science behind it fairly well, but has no concept of time passing. He will ask what day it is and then 2 hours later will ask if it is still Thursday. It's driving me a bit nuts (as Enoch would say). He is quite impatient for time to hurry up (because he misses Christmas and wants it to come again).
This week he was "so bored" because it was only Thursday and he wanted it to be his birthday by dinner time. The one sure way to cure boredom on a long afternoon is popcorn. Enoch and Kate snarfed up their kettle corn and we forgot about time (for a little while).
How tired are you?
This week Kate and I were laying on the floor stringing together a jumbo button necklace. Kate loves the game and loves the noise the necklace makes when she jingles it.
Gavin: Is the allergy medicine I take chewable or do I have to swallow it?
Mom: What is the word again?
Gavin: Mom, chewable or do I have to swallow it?
Mom: Use the word in a sentence.
Gavin: Mom, are you awake?
Mom: (finally opening my eyes) Where did everyone go?
Apparently I need more sleep if I'm that zonked out in the middle of all that noise!
Say Again?
Kate is expanding her vocabulary every day. Her new word is more of a abbreviation: Buh. This is an all-in-one word that includes binky, blanket, and Bunny - all necessary for Kate's happiness. She is never without her blankie and Bunny, although Mom is trying very hard to only let her have her binky in her crib. It's still a work in progress.
Dear Enoc, Grandpa never knows which day it is because the Sun comes up and goes down in the wrong side of the earth here????-Any way it seems that way, but we got a compass so we can tell for sure and I can know which day it is. Just watch the Sun come up over the Mountain each morning and you can mark the days off. LOVE GRANDPA RANDALL
ought oh- I did not get your NAME FINISHED ENOCH--sorry about that.
I just laughed at the falling asleep part. Sadly I have done the same thing. I have had kids climbing on me with the TV blaring. Clearly we all are not getting enough sleep! What a good mom you are button necklaces and popcorn!!!
Sleep is important is our household too, dave and I had good intentions of getting up this morning to go to the gym, but instead we got up late :(
You didn't mention the neighbor boy who randomly shows up in your sandbox and stays all day. :/
The falling a sleep conversation is so funny! I can relate to being a human jungle jim. Drives me nuts!
Busy household!
Just a thought: maybe you didn't fall asleep so much as shut down. That's a lot of stuff going on at once.
The not-so-awake conversations are the BEST! One time Jeff and I were in bed, and he falls asleep pretty fast but I take forever....so I was laying there zoned out and Jeff was gone. Then suddenly he says very clearly "I don't think that many people really drive with their pants on fire."
He said it in such a serious voice....I lost it, and I was laughing to hard and shaking the bed that he woke up. Apparently he was having a conversation with me in a dream and we were talking about bad Utah drivers. So that's our joke now... If we see bad driving, they "must be driving with their pants on fire." haha!!!
It all sounds very much like a "mother moment." I am thinking that Enoch is a pretty smart four-year-old to know about the earth turning and causing day and night. Apparently someone has done a great job of teaching him! Good job, Mom (and Dad)! Love to all! Grandma Randall
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